Residents in Southfield and the metro Detroit area have organized to oppose a new drilling application to drill for oil in this Michigan city of over 70,000 people. “Stop the Drilling in Southfield” plans a protest at the drilling site Sunday, January 17 at 9 am. Word of Faith, a “mega church,” owns the property and has leased out its minerals to Jordan Development. The site is at Nine Mile and Evergreen, a densely populated area, only 2 miles from Providence Hospital.
Residents speak out on CBS/WWJ (see video): http://cbsloc.al/1Q2gNf2?anvt=111
The City of Southfield issued a moratorium on all drilling in the city and and it remains in effect through April 28, 2016. See the city’s press release: City of Southfield Oil drilling moratorium.
Though the company and church claim there will be no fracking, they propose to vertically acidize in the Niagaran formation, which has been horizontally fracked with multiple horizontal bores in Montmorency County (See the Hubbell 2-22 HD1 and Hubbell 2-22 HD2 well). There is no guarantee that this proposed well wouldn’t be used with multiple wellheads and eventually with horizontal well bores
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Acidizing the well uses tons of hydrochloric acid and other chemicals, injected deep underground. Some of the acidizing mixture is then brought back up to the surface, requiring disposal in yet other “injection” wells. The whole process creates millions of gallons of toxic wastes, both liquid and solid, and into the air. Acidizing is terribly polluting and harmful to people’s health and the environment. See this report of the harms of acidizing in populated areas of Los Angeles, California here: “Air Toxics One-Year Report: Oil Companies Used Millions of Pounds of Air-Polluting Chemicals in Los Angeles Basin Neighborhoods.”
Methane would be flared (burned) into the atmosphere. This, too, will pollute the air and harm residents.
We join them in urging Michiganders to write to the DEQ by January 18, 2016 to deny the permit and demand a public hearing. The DEQ says 30 people have written in opposition. The application is A150095. Download the application here: Word of Faith 16-27 Application-2
Write to: DEQ-oilandgaspermitapplication@michigan.gov
Many groups and residents are sending in comments to the DEQ in opposition:
City of Southfield’s resolution against drilling: ResolutionAgainstDrillingandPermit-2
Ban Michigan Fracking’s comments: Kozma to Snow DEQ 1.4.16
Rep. Moss Information and Public Hearing Request
To join the protest, meet at 9 am at the NW corner of 9 Mile Road and Evergreen in Southfield. Bring protest signs. Download the groups flyer here: Stop the Drilling in Southfield – final PDF (2).
To reach the group, email stopthedrillinginSouthfield AT gmail.com
They are also on Facebook at Stop the Drilling in Southfield
CBS News covered the story, with Southfield residents Larry Quarles and Skip Davis of Stop the Driling in Southfield explaining why the proposed well will be harmful to Southfield residents: “Southfield Residents Speak Out Against Mega Church Plan to Drill for Oil.”