There is growing alarm in Michigan by the increased number of proposed natural gas power plants that will burn natural gas (from fracking) in order to make electricity. If any of these are successful in being built, they doom Michigan to being dependent, for decades upon decades, on more fossil fuels and sustained fracking, and untold amounts of frack wastes endangering the health of future generations. Untold amounts of water used for fracking . . . to find natural gas . . . to burn . . . to make electricity. It’s not sustainable, and it’s not going to save our water or the climate.
New plants are planned for Niles, Marshall, Lansing, Fowlerville, and St. Clair.
In this first article on the impending natural gas plant invasion, here is one action you can take regarding the plant proposed for St. Clair.
According to groups fighting the St. Clair plant, “DTE is trying to increase electricity rates by 133% to pay for a new natural gas power plant, when they could save $340 million dollars by building wind and solar power plants instead. DTE probably isn’t taking advantage of these alternative because it has a conflict of interest with a partner company that owns the NEXUS natural gas pipeline. Essentially DTE customers will be forced to pay hundreds of dollars a year extra for electricity so that DTE can make money off of their affliated pipeline under the table. The Michigan Public Utilities Commission (MPSC) is appointed by the governor to protect Michigan’s citizens from such unnecessarily rate hikes. Instead the MPSC has said they will approve the plan early this week despite publically recognizing that DTE’s plan is flawed and biased towards natural gas”
Call the Michigan Public Services Commission at 517-284-8330 to leave a public comment about Case #U-18419. Talking points: You’d like to have more jobs and cheaper electricity from wind and solar power plants, protect Michigan’s water from fracking and frack wastes, and have smaller community-based alternative energy.
If you are a DTE customer and you don’t want your electricity prices to increase 133% to fund a natural gas plant when wind and solar plant would be cheaper you should call Michigan Public Services Commission
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