Where are the frack wells in Michigan?
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE, formerly called Department of Environmental Quality or DEQ) Oil, Gas and Minerals Division website has a map indicating “high volume horizontal” frack wells. They update it occasionally.
Click here for the map by EGLE Oil, Gas and Minerals Division for high volume hydraulic fractured wells that are active or pending as of 11/2018 (the most recent map).
Click here for a map issued by DEQ in earlier years of high volume hydraulic fractured wells that were active or pending as of 3/18/14.
Michigan DNR Auction Lease Maps from State Auctions, by county
Drilling Unit Maps by County, issued by Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (Oil, Gas and Minerals Division)
See www.fractracker.org for an interactive map of well locations and frack well records.
Injection wells in Michigan:
Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation has an Injection Wells page and mapping project. Michigan has over 1,400 injections wells.
Check the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website for updates on new injection wells pending and under review
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Other maps:
This cheery little 2-minute 2019 video, EGLE Explains: Oil, Gas, and Minerals, by Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy props up the gas and oil industry. “There are a TON of active wells here in Michigan,” the oil and gas expert happily exclaims, as you glimpse a map depicting 4,500 oil wells, 12,000 gas wells, and 3,000 gas storage wells (“the most storage wells in the country.”)