Waste, Brine, Radioactive

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Resources about Frack Waste, Brine, and Radioactive Oil, Gas and Frack Waste

“Radioactive Oil, Gas, and Frack Waste in Our Community” presentation by Justin Nobel, Rolling Stone investigative reporter, to a Michigan audience on March 31, 2020:


Video recording of the presentation

Audio recording of the presentation

Justin Nobel’s slide presentation:

Kalamazoo Michigan Talk, March 31 2020_Justin Nobel

Justin Nobel’s article in Rolling Stone Magazine: “America’s Radioactive Secret” January 2020.

Sources on Brine in Michigan:

Brine Permit Holders in Michigan (A spreadsheet of current brine permit holders as of 2019 obtained through Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy) active_2215-5_brineapp-4

Map of County Road Commissions that hold brine permits in Michigan

County brine permit holders

Map of private firms that hold brine permits in Michigan

Private firms brine permit holders

Salts of Earth page 1Salts of Earth page 2

“Salts of the Earth: Brine Disposal is Oilmen’s Headache,” by W. L. Daoust, Geological Survey Division, Michigan Conservation, Jan-Feb, 1953, pp. 23-24.

Lawsuit permitting brine spreading in Michigan, from 1985. Various county road commissions sued the Michigan Department of Natural Resources over the Supervisor of Wells’ order that tried to protect Michigan’s water from the practice of brine spreading. The case, entitled “In the Matter of Supervisor of Wells Order 1-85,” was settled out-of-court  allowing of brine spreading under certain conditions.

Brief on Appeal 1. 

Brief on Appeal 2. 

Circuit Court Filing.

Order of Dismissal and Letters.