A nearby, producing well also owned by Arbor Operating, Swanson 5-7, in Johnstown Township in Barry County. Photo by Jackie Schmitz.
Residents in Barry County are preparing for a public hearing held by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a proposed underground injection well in Johnstown Township. A Traverse City-based company, Arbor Operating, seeks to operate a class 2 well, Swanson 4-7 SWD, which would take toxic wastes from oil and gas wells for permanent disposal. The permit application is requesting for a dry oil well on Manning Road to be converted to an injection well. The company now brings its wastes from three oil/gas wells to Calhoun County for disposal.

Diagram of an underground injection well for oil and gas industry wastes. EPA illustration, in the public domain.
Anyone concerned about injection wells in Michigan are welcome to attend and provide comments to the EPA. The hearing is preceded by a public informational meeting
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. Both take place at the Hastings Public Library.
If you cannot attend, please send written comments.
Location: Hastings Public Library, 227 E. State Street, Hastings, MI (upstairs)
Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Time: Public Meeting 6:00 to 7:30 pm, followed by Public HEARING 7:30 to 9:00 pm
Come early to register to speak and be prepared to give a 3-minute comment.
April 21 Deadline for written comments: The written public comment period ends Friday, April 21 (midnight postmark). Send new comments to: Jeffrey Wawczak, U.S. EPA Region 5 (WU-16J), 77 W. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60604-3950. Comments can be submitted by email: wawczak.jeffrey@epa.gov
See the EPA Public Notice here.
“A Proposed Injection Well for Barry County,” Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation,
“State, EPA say proposed brine disposal well in Barry County is safe” MLive, April 13, 2017.